The following list highlights some of the best beaches in Samoa. So if you are in Samoa, I recommend visiting the following:

Tafa Tafa Beach, Upolu
Address – Tafa Tafa Beach, Upolu, Samoa
Google Maps Link – 14°02’24.1″S 171°40’00.9″W
Tafa Tafa Beach is located on the southern coast of Upolu Island, part of the Samoa Islands. A stretch of soft white sand, secluded and lines with thatched-roof huts and palm trees. The waves can be rough, making it perfect for surfing or paddleboarding; however, it is not very safe for swimming. There is a beach house with basic but great facilities, local vendors and food stores near the beach. You can also bring your own barbecue stand and food to enjoy a picnic on the shore. Tafa Tafa Beach is private, meaning not many people tend to visit, leaving the beach quiet and empty.

Aganoa Beach, Fales
Address – Aganoa Beach, Fales, Samoa
Google Maps Link – 13°46’00.3″S 172°17’08.8″W
Aganoa Beach is located in Fales, on the southern coast of Savai’i Island, part of the Samoa Islands. This extensive beach, with soft sand backdropped by a verdant forest, is the perfect place for a fun and relaxing holiday. You can snorkel on the clear waters and spot turtles swimming around; on the other hand, you can pick a spot with great waves and enjoy surfing, or get your first lessons. You can hike the trail along Aganoa Beach to reach another secluded, small sandy beach. The Aganoa Lodge offers all facilities, with a restaurant and surf guides. It never gets busy, and you can admire the sunset in a peaceful atmosphere.

Lalomanu Beach, Fales
Address – Lalomanu Beach, Fales, Samoa
Google Maps Link – 14°02’45.9″S 171°26’47.6″W
Lalomanu Beach is located in Fales, on the southeastern coast of Savai’i Island, part of the Samoa Islands. A long, sandy beach, backdropped with grassy fields and verdant trees, and lined with thatched-roof huts, offering a paradisiacal atmosphere. The beach faces the east, giving off stunning views of the sunrise and far-off smaller islands. Snorkeling on its crystal clear waters is a must, but just swimming is a relaxing experience. Lalomanu Beach is always quiet and empty, a perfect place for a peaceful vacation away from the crowds. Local vendors around the beach rent beach houses and sell drinks and snacks.
Matareva Beach, Salamumu
Address – Matareva Beach, Salamumu, Samoa
Google Maps Link – 13°59’20.9″S 171°55’54.1″W
Matareva Beach is located in Salamumu, on the southern coast of Upolu Island, part of the Samoa Islands. The beach is very picturesque, soft white sand lined with palm trees, and calm waters of a beautiful blue color. There are different types of fish swimming on the crystal clear water, and snorkeling is amazing. The Matavera Beach House offers all facilities, great food and plays music, giving the beach a party-like feel. Besides, they offer cultural shows, performing dance and music. Admiring the sunset while swinging on a hammock right on the quiet shore is the perfect way to disconnect from the rest of the world.

Faiaai Beach, Savai’i
Address – Faiaai Beach, Samoa
Google Maps Link – 13°40’33.8″S 172°38’18.1″W
Faiaai Beach is located on the western coast of Savai’i, the largest island in Samoa. Extensive and isolated, this white sandy beach is backdropped by verdant trees, offering stunning views and a secluded feeling. The bright blue water is calm and clear, shallow enough for it to be safe for everyone to swim and play. To get to this beach, you need to climb down a flight of stairs, and there is an entrance fee you need to pay the family at the top before descending. It never gets crowded or busy, and the atmosphere is always quiet, perfect for sunbathing and taking a long walk.

Tanu Beach Fales, Gaga’ifomauga
Address – Tanu Beach Fales, N Coast Rd, Samoa, N Coast Rd, Samoa
Google Maps Link – 13°26’46.4″S 172°22’45.6″W
Tanu Beach Fales is located in Saleia, a village on the northern coast of Savai’i, the largest island in Samoa. Extensive and picturesque, this lovely beach offers soft white sand and turquoise waters, adding to the stunning view. The water, calm and crystal clear, is safe for swimming and perfect for snorkeling, with high chances of spotting sea turtles. There is accommodation along the beach, run by welcoming locals, with meals and basic facilities available. Tanu Beach is quiet and uncrowded, frequented mostly by locals during summer and holidays.

Lano Beach, Savai’i
Address – Lano Beach, Samoa
Google Maps Link – 13°36’44.2″S 172°12’02.0″W
Lano Beach is located on the eastern coast of Savai’i, the largest island in Samoa. This peaceful beach, with golden sand backdropped by lush trees, is the perfect spot to relax and disconnect, away from the hustle of the city. Clear and shallow, the water is safe for swimming, with small waves and a warm temperature; besides, you can rent kayaks and get near the coral reefs. To the left end of the beach you can find a thatched hut rental (fales), with meals available and a friendly staff; the huts are lining the beach and offer stunning views. It never gets crowded or busy, however, huts get rented out quickly during high season.

Seeti Beach Fales, Falealupo
Address – Seeti Beach Fales, Falealupo, Samoa
Google Maps Link – 13°30’00.8″S 172°47’19.6″W
Seeti Beach Fales is located in Falealupo, a village on the western coast of Savai’i, the largest island in Samoa. Remote and picturesque, this beautiful white sandy beach offers stunning views, turquoise waters and green areas, a good spot for a family outing. The water is clear and calm, with shallow areas making it safe for everyone to swim and play, and coral reefs with marine life for snorkeling. The fale rental services have basic facilities and meals included, and the grassy areas along the beach are great spots for picnics. Due to its remote location, reaching this beach is rather hard, but thanks to this, Seeti Beach is always uncrowded and quiet, perfect to relax and disconnect.

Saleapaga Beach, Upolu
Address – Saleapaga Beach, Samoa
Google Maps Link – 14°02’27.7″S 171°29’06.3″W
Saleapaga Beach is located in Saleapaga, a village on the southern coast of Upolu, in Samoa. With soft white sand lined by palm trees, this lovely beach offers stunning scenery for photography, and a quiet atmosphere to relax and sunbathe. Calm and shallow, the water is safe for swimming and great for snorkeling, with a beautiful turquoise color and warm temperature. Hut rental is available, and the long stretch of sand is nice for walking, with views of the nearby Nu’utele island. It never gets crowded or busy, and the atmosphere is quiet even during high season.

Vavau Beach Fales, Vava’u
Address – Vavau Beach Fales, Samoa
Google Maps Link – 14°02’37.0″S 171°33’02.8″W
Vavau Beach Fales is located in Vava’u, a village on the southeastern coast of Upolu, in Samoa. Golden sand, bright blue waters and a verdant backdrop welcome you once you reach this lovely spot, the perfect beach to disconnect from the city and surround yourself with unspoiled nature. The water is calm and shallow, with small waves making Vavau Beach a safe beach for everyone to swim. Fale rental is available, with meals included and basic facilities; there is an entrance fee. The beach is always quiet, and it rarely gets busy, even during weekends and high season.