Dare to live a different adventure, discover a magic and epic remote land that made Ernest Shackleton famous, traveling through an ice paradise at the entrance to Antarctica, and admire the icy wonders of the Antarctic Peninsula, a beautiful natural spectacle, one of the last deserts in the world.

A long and narrow island, located in the extreme south of the Atlantic Ocean, between strong waters that lash the coast, and the unexpected blizzards that suddenly appear in what you believed was going to be a very quiet day, thus the contrast on the island varies.

To enter the island you must take a cruise, and the closer you get to land, you will see more mountains and their peaks covered with snow, black rock making contrast with the whiteness of the landscape, and glaciers that shine like diamonds while mountains border the coast.

You will run into huge icebergs and have a good chance to get to know fin whales; we assure you that there will never be a dull moment on this trip by sea to the south. Also, your best chance to see Antarctic petrels is here.

Source by Reeve Jolliffe on Flickr – Under Creative Commons License
Believe it or not, there can be life in this seemingly prohibitive place, and in concentrations that almost nowhere else in the world can match. You can get to see the gentoo penguins and the famous, yellow-haired macaroni penguins in colony, roaring elephants seals with their snout-like nose and fur seals covering the coasts.

Although you are on the high seas, you will always see movements; fish appear and disappear between the waves, and looking up, you can spot several species of birds follow the ship to the southeast, such as albatrosses, storm petrels, and shearwaters. The reindeer also crosses the whole island, brought to the area by the Norwegian whalers in the twentieth century. In addition, you will have the pleasure of seeing the giant whales rising in the waters of the coast.

This trip is for the brave. You must take a cruise, usually leaving during the austral summer, between November and January, but you must be prepared to sail in rough waters, with tides of up to 9 meters, dizziness, and unpredictable weather. Waterproof, expedition-weight clothes are a must, as well as heavy boots, and you must be distant from marine animals, since some can be aggressive.

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