Sail from Rome to Venice, Italy, the deep blue sea surrounding you in this eleven-day journey through two of Europe’s most romantic cities. The fresh air blows your hair as you admire the amazing landscapes created by mother nature and the astonishing man-made structures. Being on board of the luxurious Royal Clipper is definitely a once-in-a-lifetime luxury. This tall ship will take your breath away the moment you first see it moored in Civitavecchia, Rome’s main port.

Things to do
The island of Ponza
By the middle of the second day, you will make your first stop in the rocky island of Ponza, part of the Pontine group of islands. You will be taken ashore to a vast, curved harbor full of blue-and-white fishing boats. If you take a short walk up the hilly streets behind Ponza town, the spot offers great views of the bay where the ship is anchored.

Once you’re back on board, you can delight in what seems to be a never-ending feast for all your senses. The Royal Clipper sails overnight towards Cápri, off the Bay of Naples. When you reach the bank, a cable-car ride will take you up to the main town. Here, you can find some high-fashion shops.
Also, a variety of excursions are offered from the ship. Therefore, you will have the opportunity to explore the island and admire its stunning cliffs and small bays. In the evening, if you’re lucky, you will see how the wind allows the Royal Clipper to leave under full sail, a spectacle that you can’t miss.

After arriving at the Aeolian island of Lipari, get ready to see some fireworks. During the evening the ship circles the volcano of Stromboli, which is an active volcano. Stand on deck and admire the red lava rising into the night sky. Definitely one the most exciting highlights of the voyage.

Giardini Naxos
Giardini Naxos in Sicily will be your next stop, where the Royal Clipper anchors early in the morning. Here you will visit Taormina, which is the island’s most famous resort. However, if you’re adventurous, you can take the opportunity to hike up one of the world’s highest volcanoes, Mount Etna.

When you finish sailing around Italy, the Royal Clipper will head east towards Corfu. From there you will be heading north, along the Croatian coastline, where the ship is going to anchor on different ports. Now you have the chance to explore and get to know a little bit of another country. On what would be your final morning of this trip, the ship sails through the famous canal system of Venice. Usually, after this voyage, passengers tend to stay a few days in the city.

How to get there
The Civitavecchia Port is a 50-minute car drive away from the Fiomicino Airport, and about one and a half hours away from Ciampino airport. You can even get private transfers from the airport. It’s not the cheapest option, but it is the easiest and fastest way to reach the port.
The Royal Clipper is part of a fleet of sailing ships named Star Clippers, and it sails from Rome to Venice or vice versa. It also sails in the Caribbean, so you can live a similar experience on a different destination. Also, it’s easy to find flights and you can get a ticket from a low-cost airline flying either to Rome or Venice, you just have to choose the one that fits better with your schedule.
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