Red Sea Scuba Diving Tour – Danab, Egypt gets you surrounded by the dazzling beauty and majesty of the Red Sea. With the high weather moderated by the clear waters, you can admire colorful corals and unsteady wildlife. Hundreds of people want to dive in the waters of the Red Sea, placing this activity on top of every to-do list. And you don’t want to be left out. If you feel ready, get your backpack, take a deep breath and let’s dive into the majestically alive Red Sea.
Things to Do
In the calm town of Dahab, located on the Sinai Peninsula, you can find some of the most popular diving spots of the world. For example the Canyon and the famous Blue Hole. The prestigious Red Sea offers several places to people who love this activity. Also, it doesn’t matter if you are an amateur or a professional, this task is for everyone. But the balance between the amazing experience and the danger might be one of the most attractive things of this adventure.

The Sinai Desert mountains
Dahab stands 85 km north of the far more popular and, therefore, more crowded diving site of Sharm El Sheikh. But Dahab’s charm is having the mountains of the Sinai Desert as a breathtaking background. The contrast between overland, high mountains, and deeply submerged ecosystems couldn’t be more fascinating. Besides, all the best dive areas are available right off the shoreline. Leaving the desert straight into the Red Sea adds to the special attraction and different contrasting experiences Egypt offers.

The Canyon diving spot
You can find a lot of diving spots, each one with a particular attractiveness. Above all, the Golden Blocks towards the south, situated in a quiet, moon-shaped bay, and the famous Canyon to the north. You need each and every breath of air you can hold for that last one.
First, you have to snorkel over coral greenhouses and gardens until you get to the edge of the huge wall. Then, you give the OK sign, dive in and go down. Underneath, below a rock-head, a large tight abyss opens up. As you dive through it, you get into a more extensive slit overflowing with groups of glassfish.

After exploring the expanding, dim canyon you go back to the entrance. Hopefully, you will have enough air left to look around the rock-head for a little longer. You will definitely want to take in as much of its beauty as you possibly can.
The Eel Garden
You should not miss one of the most captivating places: the Eel Garden. This slight dive of around 15 meters brings you down a delicate and dull sand slope. Or at least that’s what it looks like. If you stay still for long enough you will understand this diving site’s name. After a while, thin eels will rise up out of the sand, like cobras hypnotized by a snake charmer and a flute. The enticing spectacle makes you want to spend the entire dive here and avoid taking off to a further foray, to see coral fans and the poisonous lionfish with its mane-like spikes.

Source by Matt Kieffer on Flickr – Under Creative Commons license

Source by jayhem on Flickr – Under Creative Commons license
The Blue Hole
Many people who come to take a dive in Dahab need to encounter the aforementioned Blue Hole. This is an apparently endless gorge, cut out of the stone wall closest to the shore. On one hand, the majestic view under the water is breathtaking. On the other hand, there is risk of suffering a dangerous nitrogen narcosis, as it drops to a slope 300 meters down. And then keeps going down to what feels like infinity. A beautiful example of being in the line between danger and majesty. Scuba Diving in the Read Sea certainly gives you that shot of adrenaline we lost in our everyday routine.

The Blue Hole is one of the most popular and a world-class diving spot. If you give it a try you will totally understand why. But be careful, diving into this apparently endless abyss is not recommended if you are not highly experienced. You can even find memorials on the shoreline, dedicated to divers who couldn’t fight the nitrogen narcosis, caused by the pressure of the water. This is clearly enough to have many people backing off, even the most confident ones.
The Bells
The most secure and energizing way to see the Blue Hole is to first take a short trek over a low peninsula to the Bells. Hopping into this thin pool between the rocks is great practice for what is to come. When you get to the top edge of the wall, a tight vertical shaft dives through the stone, around 30 meters deep. The only route through this is to make a dive straight into the pitch black abyss.
For a frightening moment, you lose all visibility before a faint sparkle of light appears toward the finish of the shaft. Then, you pop out of the wall to be welcomed by the Big Blue and all its chilling majesty. The alarming perspective of the untamed ocean at these profundities leaves you with no reference points. No south, no west, no east, no north; only a tempting, dark blue surrounding you.

And then, you suddenly find yourself in the middle of one of the most beautiful abysses in the whole world. The calm surrounds you and you are there, floating along colorful and grass corals, conger eels and sea snakes. Don’t forget that the danger has a lot of presence in this adventure. Always be sure to check your depth gouge to avoid being attracted downwards to an apparently endless obscurity.

How to get there
Egypt Air flies directly to Cairo, for transfers to Dahab.
Inside Information
Out of the many tour and dive companies on the Red Sea, Experience Egypt organizes dive packages in Dahab, via the Orca Dive Club. Prices are keen and instruction standards are high, so it is an ideal place if you want to take the plunge on an open-water course. You need to get the basic qualification, which takes about five days and allows you to dive down to 20 meters.
Besides, Dahab is becoming a red-hot destination for Tec divers who do more technical dives and use nitrox rebreathers. This allows them to dive to 80 meters or more.

Think about how many people have experienced what you just experienced. How many people felt deeply calm and amazing just like you did on all your previous dives. Now, you can get this adventure off your list, and get ready for the next one. After diving into this unforgettable trip in the Red Sea, you are just about ready for whatever your next destination is.
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