Cruise the Patagonian fjords, Puerto Montt, Chile, as the cold wind gets under your skin. The Navimag ship will take you through thousands of wild and isolated islands in the Chonos archipelago, alongside the southern shores of Chile. Here, you will be able to see some whales, dolphins, and icebergs in the distance. And the best thing about this journey: it’s not as expensive as you may think! In fact, this four-day voyage is one of the cheapest.

Things To Do
The Navimag ship will take you from Puerto Montt to the southern Puerto Natales. These 4 days you will find yourself surrounded by the snow-capped landscape of the Patagonian fjords.

Set sail from Puerto Montt
Sailing in the beautiful glimmering evening light, the ship leaves behind the colorful houses that make up Puerto Montt and drifts through the Ancud Gulf past Chiloé Island. The extraordinary shapes of Osorno and Hornopiren, two snow-capped volcanoes, break the flat horizon.

The deeper and deeper you get to the south, the wilder the sceneries get. Therefore, you will feel like you’re getting into an astonishing, unknown territory. When you less expect it, it will be time for you to feel the greatest excitement of your life. Meanwhile, the ship goes through some channels that are so narrow that they don’t seem navigable.
Golfo de Penas
Of course, the best is always reserved at last. After this part of your journey, you will be crossing the terrifying Golfo de Penas (Gulf of Grief). The mystery of these waters will surround you, while you’re hearing the tales of some traveler’s experiences in the past.

After the Gulf
Then, you will be handed seasickness tablets, adding up to your intriguing yet frightening sensation. After being rolled around in your bunk by the force of the waves, your reward awaits. Mountains, icebergs and glaciers surround the waters filled with humpback whales and dolphins. The rocks dotting the water, covered with seals. Surviving the Golfo de Penas will surely give you a relieving sensation.

Disco night on board
Once your journey is getting to an end, during the last night on board, you will be part of a disco night. The dusk sky and the unique energy that the Patagonia possesses will be your company for the night. Drinking some Gato Negro wine and dancing to ABBA’s songs after spending four days inside a ship is a unique experience. After all, the best memories aren’t always the expensive ones.

Early in the morning, the captain will take you to the slim Angostura Inglesa (English Narrows) and Last Hope Sound. Here, you will be able to see the teeny-tiny roofs of Puerto Natales, as you’re getting close to the bank.
How to get there
You can fly to Puerto Montt from Santiago; or take a 16-hour bus ride.
Inside Information
The Navimag ship sails in both directions once a weel. However, I recommend going north to south, from Puerto Montt to Puerto Natales. This way, you will experience the scenery getting wilder and wilder as you reach Puerto Natales.
You will find good accommodation inside of the Navimag ship so you can sleep comfortably. Three meals a day are also offered, in that way you don’t have to worry about food; and you can bring aboard all the Chilean wine that your backpack can carry.

Until the mid-90’s the journey through the Patagonia from Puerto Montt to Puerto Natales was only for truck drivers. Back then, these truck drives sailed in the ship to avoid the long drive south on suspicious roads. Of course, a couple of travellers always found their way to join, eager to explore on the planet’s least explored areas. Eventually, the incredible cruise got popular, and the number of travellers joining increased. For this reason, Navimag decided to add accommodation to the ship for passengers to be comfortable.
Tickets can be bought online on navimag.com. Prices vary depending on the type of cabin you ask for, and the number of people sharing it.

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