Enter a Japanese archipelago full of wonders, villages, fishermen and dolphins, with rocky islets and high mountain peaks breaking the horizon, and covered by extensive green forests. Surrounded by a rural area and standing in such a remote location, with exuberant vegetation and large natural geological formations, Amakusa still has the same charm it had hundreds of years ago, and looks just as beautiful. Exploring this National Geopark definitely has to be on you bucket list.

Approximately 60 kilometers from the city of Kumamoto, there is a beautiful archipelago consisting of 120 islands: 2 large islands and smaller islands scattered around. The Amakusa Islands are still one of the favorite destinations for travelers. You will arrive at this place in a small plane, a short flight of 20 minutes from Kumamoto.

There are 3 main islands, Shimoshima, Ueshima and Oyano, and these islands are connected to each other with bridges, but to get to the rest of the smaller islands you can take a ferry. The best way to acclimate quickly to the place is undoubtedly sailing its waters, crossing each of the bridges from below, under a sunset of orange and red colors.

This area is still as important for Christianity as it was 400 years ago, before religion was banned in the 17th century. Faced with this fact, the persecuted Christians of Japan found refuge between the lower hills and the mountains. In spite of everything, you can still find many museums and churches that reflect the days of religion on the islands.

There is little agriculture due to the mountainous area, nor are there many industries, but forestry is very good. Fishing, citrus, figs, sweet potatoes, and white pearl productions is high, although their biggest claim is their spiritual heritage and tourism.

Visitors are tempted to fish kayak in the sea, watch the dolphins between the islands on a boat ride and watch the stunning sunsets of Amakusa, a beautiful show offered by Japan day after day, impossible to resist in the face of such seduction of nature.

When to go
Amakusa is a year-round destunation, but the best times to visit are during the more temperature sprig and fall. Winter days are often crisp, with blue skies, but can be very cold, while summer months can be uncomfortbly humid.

How to find it
Amakusa Airlines operates daily flights from Kumamoto Airport (20 minutes) and Fukuoka (35 minutes), both of which connect to Tokyo´s central Haneda Airport in less than two hours. Arrange car tentar and reserve accommodations in advance.
Avoid peak season holidays such as New Year and Golden Week in early May. Use local sea taxis to travel tretween the islands.

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